USA & ASEAN New Normal Report
- Release date
- May 2020
- # of pages
- 58
- Agency
- Intage Inc.
- Report price
- Free
- Target countries
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Viet Nam
This report summarises how consumers' lifestyle changed with COVID-19 in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and US.
The analysis is divided into the following 6 dimensions: Health & hygiene, Food, Work & lifestyle, Childcare & beauty, Mobility, and Values. Key messages towards 'New Normal' concern changes in 1) Personal & social distancin : Reviews of the concept of distance from the people and society around you is underway, 2) Staying healthy & hygienic inside out: Generating and raising awareness of disease prevention and hygiene ,the true value for importance of “health” is called into question., and 3) Re-shaping the daily time management : The idea of time changes in proportion to the distance, and it becomes routine.
Click here for the latest version of this report
Research design
*Research method: Online survey
*Respondent criteria: Married male and female who live in the respective countries
- Automotive/Mobility ,  Health ,  Beauty ,  Food and Drink ,  Bearing and Raising of Children ,  Life style