Academic Ability Test Scores_PISA _16 countries
*PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) survey is conducted every three years for 15-year-olds in the three areas of reading literacy, mathematical literacy, and scientific literacy
・The PISA test was originally scheduled to be administered in 2021, but was postponed one year due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection. Due to exceptional circumstances such as lockdowns and school closures in many countries, data from mainland China could not be collected and data from Macau was used.
・Singapore scored higher than Japan in math, reading, and science.
・Macau (China) and Taiwan achieved 2-3% higher proficiency than Japan in math.
・The Philippines, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia scored about 30% higher than Japan in all subjects.
Academic Ability Test Scores_PISA _16 countries
Retrieved April 19, 2024, from here
- Education