
[Vietnam] Spending for education have increased dramatically, Blended Learning that combines face-to-face with online learning is expected


The consumption change (base value of 3.0) of Intage Vietnam's monthly consumer confidence index is reviewed for the year from September 2021 to August 2022.

Consumption change scores increased moderately overall, with all items exceeding the threshold (3.0) in August 2022. The top three items in September 2021 during lockdown were "living expenses," "health care," and "food and beverages" (both with scores of 3.56), but in August 2022, the ranking changed to "education (3.84)," "living expenses (3.72)," and "food and beverages (3.68)," in that order, indicating an increase in spending in about one year, as can be analyzed The increase in spending over the past year can be analyzed.

The consumer index score for "Living Expenses," which is at the top of the list both last year and this year, shows a slight increase for fixed expenses, while there is a considerable increase for "Education"; it was 3.42 in September 2021, but in August 2022 it reached an annual record high of 3.84, making it the top index score in August.

During the lockdown period, nearly all schools transitioned from "face-to-face" classes to "online" classes. The demand for online classes is expected to continue to grow in terms of the fact that physical travel is not required and the options for learning items such as various foreign languages and programming have expanded. The current shift to offline classes, combined with the resumption of lessons, can be analyzed as a driver of increased spending.

In the future, the integration of online and offline services will become more important. Differentiation such as the ability to switch on and off due to weather and other factors, and the provision of facilities that allow students to study in a relaxed environment despite online classes, will be important factors for survival in the competition among companies. We would like to focus on online/offline combined classes as a new market in Vietnam.

“Spending for education have increased dramatically, Blended Learning that combines face-to-face with online learning is expected” from ACCESS (Sep. 2022)

Translated with AI Translator

  • Intage Inc

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    (Mr.) Masami Negishi

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    Intage Inc.


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