
Consumers’ mind changes in India after the 2nd wave of COVID.

Release date
July - July 2021
# of pages
Intage India
Report price
Target countries
  • IndiaIndia


INTAGE INDIA Private Limited has conducted surveys in April and August 2020 to understand how consumers' lifestyle and mind are changing after the COVID 19 pandemic.
This time, the survey has conducted in July 2021, when the relaxation after the 2nd waves have started.
This report provides a big-picture understanding of changes in consumer minds and needs compared to 2020.


Compared to the August 2020 survey, we found that people are adapting to life ‘WITH COVID’.
While it is difficult to remain positive given the lack of social connections, they are able to have more positive emotions than before.
Comparing the needs of consumers, we can see that there is a shift from short-term needs to prepare for an uncertain future, such as medical products and services, to medium-term general needs, such as appliances.

Research design

*Research method: Online survey
*Respondent criteria:
・Male and female living in India (Nationwide)
・Car Owners

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