Multi-Market_WHO CARES? WHO DOES? 2023
- Release date
- December 2023
- # of pages
- 29
- Agency
- Kantar Worldpanel
- Report price
- Free
- Target countries
- China
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- Indonesia
- India
- Japan
- Korea
- Malaysia
- Other
- Philippines
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Taiwan
- UK
- Viet Nam
This report is exploring the link between consumer attitudes toward sustainability and actual FMCG purchasing behavior using consumer panel data from Kantar Worldpanel.
The number of Eco-Actives, people with a high interest in eco-consciousness, is on the rise again.
The reality of eco-consciousness in 2023 can be summarized in the following five points:
1. Media and people's conversations promote eco-engagement, but government top-down approaches rapidly enhance eco-awareness.
2. Sustainability is not a primary reason for daily choices, but it offers opportunities for brand trust and quality improvement.
3. Eco-Actives are actively investing in environmentally friendly products.
4. Reducing plastic waste is not just for the wealthy; innovation with value in mind is crucial.
5. There's no increase in the desire to avoid plastic bottles, but a clear strategy contributes to maintaining sales volumes.
Research Overview
Methodology: Kantar Worldpanel Household panel in 35 markets (Purchase panel (Diary/ Product code scan) + tag-on survey)
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- Life style