[Quick Survey series] Anime/manga awareness in Japan and the US
- Release date
- January 2021
- # of pages
- 8
- Agency
- Intage Inc.
- Report price
- Free
- Target countries
- Japan
The Quick Survey series presents the results of a simple survey conducted by Asian Panel of the Intage Group, one of the largest online monitors in Asia.
Among Japanese Males/Females and US Males, awareness% of 'Dragon Ball' was ranked within Top3. Generally, the younger the higher the awareness, but all age groups scored 80%+ for 'Detective Konan' among Japanese Females, and 60%+ for 'Pokemon' among US Males.
Research design
・Research method:Online survey
・Respondent criteria:Male/ Female aged 20-49 living in Japan and the U.S.
- Entertainment/Leisure ,  Game